Макияж от vogue жульет коэн
Черный гранж
Когда в зале, полном гостей, ждущих шоу Balmain в кромешной темноте, заиграли первые аккорды Nirvana — Smells Like Teen Spirit, стало понятно, гранж и мода вещи все так же нераздельные. Когда вспыхнул свет и на подиум вступила Джиджи Хадид с агрессивным макияжем и с золотой вставкой в зубах, все поняли, макияжа в этом сезоне это тоже касается. Нужно запасаться черным карандашом, подводкой и лайнером. Чертить и рисовать будем любые стрелки и линии, под глазами или заходя на переносицу. Жирно и уверенной рукой. В сезоне осень-зима 2017 черного много не бывает.
Красный и черный
Главное сочетание будущей зимы — это черный и красный. Этот дуэт в макияже глаз интереснее всего был использован на показе Alberta Ferretti, где красный «вспыхивал», когда модель моргала или опускала взгляд. Но можно придумать и что-то свое, последовав правилу нескольких последних лет — не бойтесь «рисовать» макияж глаз.
Паучьи лапки
Ресницы а-ля 60-е вошли в моду в сезоне осень-зима 2016 после показа Christian Dior. Теперь тенденция усложнилась. Если хотите создать кукольно-наивный вид, прибегните к помощи маленьких накладных ресничек. Чтобы создать эффектный образ, сделайте «паучьи лапки» любых самых ярких цветов, как на шоу Emilio Pucci или Fenty x Puma.
Цветные глаза
Пожалуй, самая очевидная тенденция нового зимнего сезона — яркие краски в макияже глаз. Это могут быть блики, стрелки, пятна, широкие линии, все что вздумается. Главное условие — никаких наложений и полутонов, только насыщенный чистый пигмент и много фантазии.
Акцент под бровью
Придется научиться красить глаза в обход подвижного века. Непривычно, но выглядит классно. Это может быть графика, как у Prabal Gurung, или хаотичный блик в духе Mary Katrantzou. Если отказаться от теней вам психологически трудно, идите по пути Chаnel, которые хоть и смухлевали, но поставили главный акцент все-таки над подвижным веком.
Естественный макияж
Красота в простоте. И с классиком спорить не приходится. Естественный макияж как тенденция не исчерпывает себя. Питательный крем, прозрачный бальзам для губ и капля хайлайтера — ваш бьюти-минимум на следующую зиму.
Образ в розовых тонах
Тени тон в тон розовым румянам, полупрозрачные пионовые губы и никаких акцентов. Этот образ тургеневской барышни сражает наповал своей наивностью и простотой исполнения. Возьмите на карандаш.
Светлые и естественные брови
Настал момент, когда брови перестали играть доминирующую роль. На прошедших Неделях моды уже мало кто сильно прорисовывал архитектуру бровей моделям. Все больше визажистов оставляют брови в естественном виде девушкам даже со светлыми волосками. Mary Katrantzou и Rick Owens и вовсе осветляли брови, чтобы выделить цвет глаз.
Несовершенные губы
Губы грядущей зимой должны выглядеть так, будто вы лакомились мороженым или долго целовались. Это совсем не значит, что с обветренными губами ходить позволительно, но переживать о потерянном карандаше или съеденной помаде точно не придется.
Вишневая помада
С формой определились, переходим к цвету. Самым модным в будущем сезоне будет вишневый и его оттенки. Чистая романтика.
Больше бьюти-новостей и трендов в новом инстаграм-аккаунте @voguerussiabeauty
Source: www.vogue.ru
Товар продан.
Жульен Коэн
Издательство: Астрель
Место издания:
Тип переплёта: твёрдый
Год издания: 2003
ISBN: 5-271-06947-8
Состояние: смотрите на фото
Количество страниц: 192
На остатке: 0
Товар продан.
Макияж предоставляет каждой женщине благоприятную возможность усовершенствовать свою внешность и максимально умножить красоту. Однако макияж — прежде всего удовольствие, от которого вы начинаете чувствовать себя хорошо! «Современный макияж» является наиболее исчерпывающей настольной книгой по макияжу, которая охватывает все аспекты красоты: от универсальных палочек до туши, от временной татуировки до цветного увлажнителя, от придания формы бровям до румян. Главы «Что такое красота?», «Красота XXI века», «Кожа», «Инструменты ремесла», «Основа», «Глаза», «Губы», «Щеки», «Тело и волосы» основаны на данных новейших исследований и наполнены самой последней информацией. Жульет Коэн открывает свою косметичку и щедро угощает нас самыми лучшими продуктами и рекомендациями с косметических прилавков. Эксперты промышленности, мастера ухода за кожей, модели и такие визажисты, как Кевин Окуэн, Бобби Браун, Барбара Дейли, Мери Гринвелл, Руби Хаммер, Лиз Хэрли, Ив Лом, Франсуа Нар, Том Пешэ, Робин Сигел и Кристи Тэрлингтон, делятся своим опытом и секретами. Идите навстречу желанному облику, следуя поэтапным наставлениям и технике для обладания дымчатыми глазами, парижскими надутыми губками, росистой основой, идеальными бровями и многим другим…
Оплата: Только предоплата
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Макияж предоставляет каждой женщине благоприятную возможность усовершенствовать свою внешность и максимально умножить красоту. Однако макияж — прежде всего удовольствие, от которого вы начинаете чувствовать себя хорошо! «Современный макияж» является наиболее исчерпывающей настольной книгой по макияжу, которая охватывает все аспекты красоты: от универсальных палочек до туши, от временной татуировки до цветного увлажнителя, от придания формы бровям до румян. Главы «Что такое красота?», «Красота XXI века», «Кожа», «Инструменты ремесла», «Основа», «Глаза», «Губы», «Щеки», «Тело и волосы» основаны на данных новейших исследований и наполнены самой последней информацией. Жульет Коэн открывает свою косметичку и щедро угощает нас самыми лучшими продуктами и рекомендациями с косметических прилавков. Эксперты промышленности, мастера ухода за кожей, модели и такие визажисты, как Кевин Окуэн, Бобби Браун, Барбара Дейли, Мери Гринвелл, Руби Хаммер, Лиз Хэрли, Ив Лом, Франсуа Нар, Том Пешэ, Робин Сигел и Кристи Тэрлингтон, делятся своим опытом и секретами. Идите навстречу желанному облику, следуя поэтапным наставлениям и технике для обладания дымчатыми глазами, парижскими надутыми губками, росистой основой, идеальными бровями и многим другим…
VOGUE MAKE-UP aims to be a one stop shop for all thinks beauty related. Everything from basic skincare, to pedicures are covered, along with helpful quotes from respected make-up artists and tutorials to help inspire you.
Juliet is a former magazine editor and contributes to the beauty section for various publications, including Vogue. And in all honestly this book reads like she has just stapled a bunch of her articles together, added a bunch of photos in with them and called it a day. As you can see below, she does cover a lot of subjects, but she just skims over everything and it’s all basic information that most people will already know. There are quotes from various celebrated make-up artists throughout the book, but these have just been taken from their own books and interviews — Juliet hasn’t actually been actively researching or anything like that.
But by far the worst aspect to this book is the make-up tutorials. Most of the time she crams two looks on the the same page and adds one photo on the opposite page, I suspect she’s picked a picture at random — none of the tutorials ever seem to match the photo. The tutorials are nothing but vague step by steps and all steps are unillustrated, which is very unhelpful. And maybe I’m not taking in the information, but there only seems to be three different looks that are repeated over and over.
Good points? The photos are stunning and a large portion of them are unairbrushed [ though I think ALL of the photos in this type of book should remain unaltered] . And the layout of the book makes it easy to put it down partway through and get back into it easily at a later date.
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What’s inside?
— — — — — — — — — — — —
Twenty first century beauty
From the ancient Egyptians using ‘genital extracts’ as wrinkle cream to how the holistic lifestyle will shape near-future beauty trends…
There are some tidbits there are new to me; People were having face lifts in England and France in the 1920’s, before plastic surgery became popular in America for example.
I found this segment very interesting and would have liked it to be longer as it’s the only part of the book that really interested me.
Skin types; Basic information on dry skin, oily skin, combination skin and sensitive skin. There are are a few sentences under each skin type telling what kind of make-up is best for each type — Fairly basic information that most people will already know.
Fun fact: With my dry skin I’m informed that «I’m a walking advertisement for old mother time», which caused me to instantly grab a mirror and inspect my face in growing horror.
Skincare; General cleaning, toning and moisturizing advice.
Miracles in a jar; Which at ingredients to look out for and what do those buzz-words mean?
Sun skin; Caring for your skin in the sun and fake tanning..
Ski skin; Says it all really.
Jet lag skin; Tips to avoid scaring airport staff :p
Problem skin; Tips on improving skin’s appearance.
We’re still in the skin section for the following…
Diet; Inner health = outer beauty
Face shapes; Basic information and sketches on the 5 different face shapes. Juliet tells us that the long face shape is also known as ‘horse’. That cheered Mum up.
Tricks of the trade: How to..
* Slim a wide nose
* Create a full mouth
* Minimize the forehead
* Open hooded eyes
* Hide a receding chin
Skin tone; Waste of space is all I can say — I bought this for make-up inspiration, nothing else. It’s a 1 page essay on how we’re all beautiful. No useful information on foundation choices etc.
The full monty; The staples in a make-up artists kit.
Secret weapon; How to find a professional make-up artist [I assume for weddings etc rather than for popping to Tesco looking your best].
Editing your make-up shelf; De-junking your stash.
Choosing a foundation; Never choose a foundation dark enough to look like a suntan… Gee, thank for that.
Foundation textures; Explains what matt, gel, light-reflecting etc formulas are.
Application; What is the best tool to use.
Concealer & Powder; Guess she didn’t know where else she could have put these limited entries.
* Holiday base
* Everyday base
* Evening base
* Dewy base
We begin with another pointless essay and ‘do you know’, along with some helpful tips on looking fresh eyed when you’re far from fresh. My favourite? «When all else fails, pretend you work in fashion or film, and wear your sunglasses inside»…
Eyebrows; All about how brows define our face shape and the how to and different options for shaping yours.
Eye Lashes; More waffle about nothing, a small non-entry on false lashes and a few basic mascara care tips [don’t pump the wand up and down].
Shadow; Don’t be afraid of colour is the gist of the opening to this segment. The different textures shadow is available in [cream, powder etc] is explained.
Make-up looks
* Natural eyes
* Neutral eyes
* Smoky eyes
* Glossy eyes
* Shimmery eyes
Optical illusions; How to…
* Lift droopy eyes
* Look bright eyed
* Instant eye job
* Come to bed eyes
* Change your face shape
Technology; About non-transfer lipsticks, products containing water molecules, dry liposomes, antioxidants, SPFs and the advantages to each.
Natural born fillers: Discuss the different options of lip plumper’s available.
Lipstick; Explains the different kinds of lip colour out there [Glosses, stains, matt lipstick etc].
Application techniques; General hints and tips, plus a few no-nos; Avoid matching lip colour to your outfit, for example.
Lipliners; All about liner [d’oh], lip shapes and cheating a fuller/thinner mouth [or as I call it, the ‘Porn Star’ look].
Make-up looks:
* The rosebud mouth
* Classic red
* Matt lips
* Stained lips
* The Paris pout
Textures; Exploring powders, creams, stains etc
Colour matching; The best colours for your skintone
Application tips
Bronzers, shimmers, multipurpose and dewy tints; A brief outline on each different product.
Make-up looks
* The Audrey
* The Marilyn
* Naturally beautiful
* Shimmer
* Too hot to handle
* The bright spark
* Smoky and smoldering
* Dewy-faced
Body skincare — Basic info
Body make-up; Piercings, tattoos, henna and body jewels.
Hair make-up; hair dyes and glitter spray, accessories and extensions
Basic handcare tips
Tools of the trade
Polish textures; Traditional lacquer, fast drying, polish pens and peel off polishes [Do they even make those anymore? I remember I had a silver L’Oreal one, but that was over 10 years ago].
How to…
* The perfect manicure
* The perfect polish
* The natural manicure
Most girls fake it; A outline of the different fake nails available
Glorious feet; Hints and tips on basic footcare.
How to…
* Classic red
* Beach feet
* Mehndi feet
Top Reviews
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Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2006
Verified Purchase
this book is great! i’ve bought many many makeup books (including kevin aucoin, vincent longo, bobbi brown just to name a few) but this book is THE only book to tell me what i wanted to know. it is not a basic makeup book, thank goodness. i’m an aspiring makeup artist and i know the basics, i wanted to learn more about fashion makeup and glitter and jewels and different types of base makeup (dewy, matte)…yeah, all that stuff, and this book has it all! i am finally content with a makeup book. a lot of other books give you some photos but dont tell you exactly how to achieve that glam look, or how to get that glossy eye shadow but this book does. i love it! i can’t stress enough how great this book is. it covers everything! even body makeup!! i didnt even get to that part yet but i’ll write another review on that. lol. after reading what i did, i was not left feeling…unfullfilled i guess you can say like i was with all the other books. i think i can stop looking, this book has it all, even hair styles. this book is a must have. thank you so much to Juliet Cohen for writing this.
Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2010
VOGUE MAKE-UP aims to be a one stop shop for all thinks beauty related. Everything from basic skincare, to pedicures are covered, along with helpful quotes from respected make-up artists and tutorials to help inspire you.
Juliet is a former magazine editor and contributes to the beauty section for various publications, including Vogue. And in all honestly this book reads like she has just stapled a bunch of her articles together, added a bunch of photos in with them and called it a day. As you can see below, she does cover a lot of subjects, but she just skims over everything and it’s all basic information that most people will already know. There are quotes from various celebrated make-up artists throughout the book, but these have just been taken from their own books and interviews — Juliet hasn’t actually been actively researching or anything like that.
But by far the worst aspect to this book is the make-up tutorials. Most of the time she crams two looks on the the same page and adds one photo on the opposite page, I suspect she’s picked a picture at random — none of the tutorials ever seem to match the photo. The tutorials are nothing but vague step by steps and all steps are unillustrated, which is very unhelpful. And maybe I’m not taking in the information, but there only seems to be three different looks that are repeated over and over.
Good points? The photos are stunning and a large portion of them are unairbrushed [ though I think ALL of the photos in this type of book should remain unaltered] . And the layout of the book makes it easy to put it down partway through and get back into it easily at a later date.
— — — — — — — — — — — —
What’s inside?
— — — — — — — — — — — —
Twenty first century beauty
From the ancient Egyptians using ‘genital extracts’ as wrinkle cream to how the holistic lifestyle will shape near-future beauty trends…
There are some tidbits there are new to me; People were having face lifts in England and France in the 1920’s, before plastic surgery became popular in America for example.
I found this segment very interesting and would have liked it to be longer as it’s the only part of the book that really interested me.
Skin types; Basic information on dry skin, oily skin, combination skin and sensitive skin. There are are a few sentences under each skin type telling what kind of make-up is best for each type — Fairly basic information that most people will already know.
Fun fact: With my dry skin I’m informed that «I’m a walking advertisement for old mother time», which caused me to instantly grab a mirror and inspect my face in growing horror.
Skincare; General cleaning, toning and moisturizing advice.
Miracles in a jar; Which at ingredients to look out for and what do those buzz-words mean?
Sun skin; Caring for your skin in the sun and fake tanning..
Ski skin; Says it all really.
Jet lag skin; Tips to avoid scaring airport staff :p
Problem skin; Tips on improving skin’s appearance.
We’re still in the skin section for the following…
Diet; Inner health = outer beauty
Face shapes; Basic information and sketches on the 5 different face shapes. Juliet tells us that the long face shape is also known as ‘horse’. That cheered Mum up.
Tricks of the trade: How to..
* Slim a wide nose
* Create a full mouth
* Minimize the forehead
* Open hooded eyes
* Hide a receding chin
Skin tone; Waste of space is all I can say — I bought this for make-up inspiration, nothing else. It’s a 1 page essay on how we’re all beautiful. No useful information on foundation choices etc.
The full monty; The staples in a make-up artists kit.
Secret weapon; How to find a professional make-up artist [I assume for weddings etc rather than for popping to Tesco looking your best].
Editing your make-up shelf; De-junking your stash.
Choosing a foundation; Never choose a foundation dark enough to look like a suntan… Gee, thank for that.
Foundation textures; Explains what matt, gel, light-reflecting etc formulas are.
Application; What is the best tool to use.
Concealer & Powder; Guess she didn’t know where else she could have put these limited entries.
* Holiday base
* Everyday base
* Evening base
* Dewy base
We begin with another pointless essay and ‘do you know’, along with some helpful tips on looking fresh eyed when you’re far from fresh. My favourite? «When all else fails, pretend you work in fashion or film, and wear your sunglasses inside»…
Eyebrows; All about how brows define our face shape and the how to and different options for shaping yours.
Eye Lashes; More waffle about nothing, a small non-entry on false lashes and a few basic mascara care tips [don’t pump the wand up and down].
Shadow; Don’t be afraid of colour is the gist of the opening to this segment. The different textures shadow is available in [cream, powder etc] is explained.
Make-up looks
* Natural eyes
* Neutral eyes
* Smoky eyes
* Glossy eyes
* Shimmery eyes
Optical illusions; How to…
* Lift droopy eyes
* Look bright eyed
* Instant eye job
* Come to bed eyes
* Change your face shape
Technology; About non-transfer lipsticks, products containing water molecules, dry liposomes, antioxidants, SPFs and the advantages to each.
Natural born fillers: Discuss the different options of lip plumper’s available.
Lipstick; Explains the different kinds of lip colour out there [Glosses, stains, matt lipstick etc].
Application techniques; General hints and tips, plus a few no-nos; Avoid matching lip colour to your outfit, for example.
Lipliners; All about liner [d’oh], lip shapes and cheating a fuller/thinner mouth [or as I call it, the ‘Porn Star’ look].
Make-up looks:
* The rosebud mouth
* Classic red
* Matt lips
* Stained lips
* The Paris pout
Textures; Exploring powders, creams, stains etc
Colour matching; The best colours for your skintone
Application tips
Bronzers, shimmers, multipurpose and dewy tints; A brief outline on each different product.
Make-up looks
* The Audrey
* The Marilyn
* Naturally beautiful
* Shimmer
* Too hot to handle
* The bright spark
* Smoky and smoldering
* Dewy-faced
Body skincare — Basic info
Body make-up; Piercings, tattoos, henna and body jewels.
Hair make-up; hair dyes and glitter spray, accessories and extensions
Basic handcare tips
Tools of the trade
Polish textures; Traditional lacquer, fast drying, polish pens and peel off polishes [Do they even make those anymore? I remember I had a silver L’Oreal one, but that was over 10 years ago].
How to…
* The perfect manicure
* The perfect polish
* The natural manicure
Most girls fake it; A outline of the different fake nails available
Glorious feet; Hints and tips on basic footcare.
How to…
* Classic red
* Beach feet
* Mehndi feet
Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2006
Overall this book offers a lot of useful information. What I like about it is that Cohen has provided advice from many different sources. There is a variety of product suggestions; it doesn’t seem like someone trying to sell you on their products alone.
I did however find a few contradictions in the book. For example, on one page it will suggest a woman at a certain age refrain from using glitter eyeshadows, and then two pages later, it says to use shimmer for mature lids. Might be kind of confusing for someone who is not familiar with eyeshadow textures.
Another thing I think was kind of bad was when she described someone with a oblong face shape as having a «horse face». When you are writing a book to help people improve their look, and use a negative term to describe a body part, it kind of defeats the purpose. Anyone who works with the public within the beauty industry knows that-or I hope they do!
As with any beauty book, take it with a grain of salt and use what works for you.
Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2008
This book is great for a beginner. While reading I found a lot of tips I already knew, and it made me feel good that I was doing my make up right as this was my first makeup book). Maybe 5-10% was a new stuff for me, plus they mention some products I would like to try (with very good reviews online). There`s a lack of images that would show a different techniques and before and after photos. Reading a page how to get a desired look was quite boring. But I guess might be helpful if I would like to achieve a desired make up thanks to those step by step instructions. The only annoying thing was repeating of some tips for 2-3 times, plus a few contradictions mentioned in the other review. I would be happy with this book, but then I got «Making faces» and it`s way more fun to read.
Reviewed in the United States on February 21, 2005
Being what I consider somewhat of a pro when it comes to makeup, I rarely find books that teach me something I don’t already know.. Not the case with this one! It’s got absolutely everything in it, that beginners as well as the experienced can benefit from. From how to give yourself different types of mani/pedicures to how to achieve «glossy» eyes. It even goes through the history of makeup which in itself is fascinating. It covers all complexions (which is a must in my criteria. The pictures themselves are graphically stunning and very helpful. It doen’t have too much name dropping when it comes to products which tends to become annoying. Overall it was a good investment and I recommend it to everyone.
Top international reviews
Teresa Wright
5.0 out of 5 stars
Five Stars
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 1, 2018
Verified Purchase
Vogue is always good at bringing, books out for beginners in using make- up.
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Bettina Mitchell
3.0 out of 5 stars
Three Stars
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 25, 2016
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4.0 out of 5 stars
Good but needs more guidance pictures with the tips
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 13, 2012
Verified Purchase
Lots of nice pictures and a gentle read.
Later on in the book are plenty of tips for make up, however, it would be nice to have step by step pictures to go with the text.
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samake up artist
5.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in India on December 11, 2018
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very good for professionals..not enough good for non pro..coz its not atall Indian style of makeup..n terms also for educated muas…i love it
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1.0 out of 5 stars
If I’d not paid 7p on Amazon’s marketplace I’d return this…
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 13, 2010
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VOGUE MAKE-UP aims to be a one stop shop for all thinks beauty related. Everything from basic skincare, to pedicures are covered, along with helpful quotes from respected make-up artists and tutorials to help inspire you.
Juliet is a former magazine editor and contributes to the beauty section for various publications, including Vogue. And in all honestly this book reads like she has just stapled a bunch of her articles together, added a bunch of photos in with them and called it a day. As you can see below, she does cover a lot of subjects, but she just skims over everything and it’s all basic information that most people will already know. There are quotes from various celebrated make-up artists throughout the book, but these have just been taken from their own books and interviews — Juliet hasn’t actually been actively researching or anything like that.
But by far the worst aspect to this book is the make-up tutorials. Most of the time she crams two looks on the the same page and adds one photo on the opposite page, I suspect she’s picked a picture at random — none of the tutorials ever seem to match the photo. The tutorials are nothing but vague step by steps and all steps are unillustrated, which is very unhelpful. And maybe I’m not taking in the information, but there only seems to be three different looks that are repeated over and over.
Good points? The photos are stunning and a large portion of them are unairbrushed [ though I think ALL of the photos in this type of book should remain unaltered] . And the layout of the book makes it easy to put it down partway through and get back into it easily at a later date.
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What’s inside?
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Twenty first century beauty
From the ancient Egyptians using ‘genital extracts’ as wrinkle cream to how the holistic lifestyle will shape near-future beauty trends…
There are some tidbits there are new to me; People were having face lifts in England and France in the 1920’s, before plastic surgery became popular in America for example.
I found this segment very interesting and would have liked it to be longer as it’s the only part of the book that really interested me.
Skin types; Basic information on dry skin, oily skin, combination skin and sensitive skin. There are are a few sentences under each skin type telling what kind of make-up is best for each type — Fairly basic information that most people will already know.
Fun fact: With my dry skin I’m informed that «I’m a walking advertisement for old mother time», which caused me to instantly grab a mirror and inspect my face in growing horror.
Skincare; General cleaning, toning and moisturizing advice.
Miracles in a jar; Which at ingredients to look out for and what do those buzz-words mean?
Sun skin; Caring for your skin in the sun and fake tanning..
Ski skin; Says it all really.
Jet lag skin; Tips to avoid scaring airport staff :p
Problem skin; Tips on improving skin’s appearance.
We’re still in the skin section for the following…
Diet; Inner health = outer beauty
Face shapes; Basic information and sketches on the 5 different face shapes. Juliet tells us that the long face shape is also known as ‘horse’. That cheered Mum up.
Tricks of the trade: How to..
* Slim a wide nose
* Create a full mouth
* Minimize the forehead
* Open hooded eyes
* Hide a receding chin
Skin tone; Waste of space is all I can say — I bought this for make-up inspiration, nothing else. It’s a 1 page essay on how we’re all beautiful. No useful information on foundation choices etc.
The full monty; The staples in a make-up artists kit.
Secret weapon; How to find a professional make-up artist [I assume for weddings etc rather than for popping to Tesco looking your best].
Editing your make-up shelf; De-junking your stash.
Choosing a foundation; Never choose a foundation dark enough to look like a suntan… Gee, thank for that.
Foundation textures; Explains what matt, gel, light-reflecting etc formulas are.
Application; What is the best tool to use.
Concealer & Powder; Guess she didn’t know where else she could have put these limited entries.
* Holiday base
* Everyday base
* Evening base
* Dewy base
We begin with another pointless essay and ‘do you know’, along with some helpful tips on looking fresh eyed when you’re far from fresh. My favourite? «When all else fails, pretend you work in fashion or film, and wear your sunglasses inside»…
Eyebrows; All about how brows define our face shape and the how to and different options for shaping yours.
Eye Lashes; More waffle about nothing, a small non-entry on false lashes and a few basic mascara care tips [don’t pump the wand up and down].
Shadow; Don’t be afraid of colour is the gist of the opening to this segment. The different textures shadow is available in [cream, powder etc] is explained.
Make-up looks
* Natural eyes
* Neutral eyes
* Smoky eyes
* Glossy eyes
* Shimmery eyes
Optical illusions; How to…
* Lift droopy eyes
* Look bright eyed
* Instant eye job
* Come to bed eyes
* Change your face shape
Technology; About non-transfer lipsticks, products containing water molecules, dry liposomes, antioxidants, SPFs and the advantages to each.
Natural born fillers: Discuss the different options of lip plumper’s available.
Lipstick; Explains the different kinds of lip colour out there [Glosses, stains, matt lipstick etc].
Application techniques; General hints and tips, plus a few no-nos; Avoid matching lip colour to your outfit, for example.
Lipliners; All about liner [d’oh], lip shapes and cheating a fuller/thinner mouth [or as I call it, the ‘Porn Star’ look].
Make-up looks:
* The rosebud mouth
* Classic red
* Matt lips
* Stained lips
* The Paris pout
Textures; Exploring powders, creams, stains etc
Colour matching; The best colours for your skintone
Application tips
Bronzers, shimmers, multipurpose and dewy tints; A brief outline on each different product.
Make-up looks
* The Audrey
* The Marilyn
* Naturally beautiful
* Shimmer
* Too hot to handle
* The bright spark
* Smoky and smoldering
* Dewy-faced
Body skincare — Basic info
Body make-up; Piercings, tattoos, henna and body jewels.
Hair make-up; hair dyes and glitter spray, accessories and extensions
Basic handcare tips
Tools of the trade
Polish textures; Traditional lacquer, fast drying, polish pens and peel off polishes [Do they even make those anymore? I remember I had a silver L’Oreal one, but that was over 10 years ago].
How to…
* The perfect manicure
* The perfect polish
* The natural manicure
Most girls fake it; A outline of the different fake nails available
Glorious feet; Hints and tips on basic footcare.
How to…
* Classic red
* Beach feet
* Mehndi feet
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